Use Transformer
1. Retrieving Images​
To use the image transformer, you must first get your image encoded as an Uint8Array. This can be accomplished various ways, such as:
const imageResponse = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
accept: "image/*",
const arrBuff = await imageResponse.arrayBuffer();
const image = new Uint8Array(arrBuff);
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
const image = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
2. Create ImageTransformer​
Once, you have your image as a Uint8Array, create a new instance of ImageTransformer.
If you only have the image data:
import ImageTransformer, { OutputOptions } from "js-image-lib";
const image: Uint8Array = ...;
const outputOptions: Partial<OutputOptions> = {}; // optional
const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image, outputOptions);
If you know the content type of your image, you can pass it into the constructor to speed up initialization.
import ImageTransformer, { MimeType, OutputOptions } from "js-image-lib";
const image: Uint8Array = ...;
const contentType: MimeType = ...;
const outputOptions: Partial<OutputOptions> = {}; // optional
const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image, contentType, outputOptions);
In both constructors, you can add a final optional parameter outputOptions
specifying the settings used when exporting your image.
Note: these settings are not used by every file format while exporting, and may have no effect.
export interface OutputOptions {
/** Background color of resulting image. (optional, default [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) */
background: Color;
/** Quality, integer 1-100. (optional, default 80) */
quality: number;
/** zlib compression level, 0-9. (optional, default 9) */
compressionLevel: number;
/** Number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation. (optional, default 0) */
loop: number;
/** Delay between animation frames (in milliseconds). (optional, default 100) */
delay: number;
3. Transform​
Once, you have created your ImageTransformer, you can apply operations to it.
import ImageTransformer from "js-image-lib";
const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image);
// Operations can be done in sequence
To learn more about the supported operations on ImageTransformer, read the transformer documentation.
4. Export​
Finally, export your image as a Uint8Array by calling toBuffer
on your ImageTransformer.
import ImageTransformer from "js-image-lib";
const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image);
const exported: Uint8Array = transformer.toBuffer()
You can optionally provide a content type to export your image to.
import ImageTransformer, { MimeType } from "js-image-lib";
const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image);
const exported: Uint8Array = transformer.toBuffer(MimeType.PNG)
If a content type is not provided, your image will be exported in the same content type it was originally provided in.