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import ImageTransformer, { OutputOptions } from "js-image-lib";

const image: Uint8Array = ...;
const outputOptions: Partial<OutputOptions> = {}; // optional

const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image, outputOptions);

If you know the content type of your image, you can pass it into the constructor to speed up initialization.

import ImageTransformer, { MimeType, OutputOptions } from "js-image-lib";

const image: Uint8Array = ...;
const contentType: MimeType = ...;
const outputOptions: Partial<OutputOptions> = {}; // optional

const transformer = new ImageTransformer(image, contentType, outputOptions);


imageUint8ArrayXThe source of the image to transform.
contentTypeMimeTypeoptional, but should be provided if it is known to speed up performance.
outputOptionsOutputOptionsSee BelowThe options to use to transform the image.

Default Output Options​

backgroundColor[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]Background color of resulting image.
qualitynumber80Quality, integer 1-100.
compressionLevelnumber9zlib compression level, 0-9.
loopnumber0Number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation.
delaynumber100Delay between animation frames (in milliseconds).

Class Methods​


* Crop the image.
* @param x The x position of the upper left pixel.
* @param y The y position of the upper left pixel.
* @param width The number of pixels wide to crop the image.
* @param height The number of pixels high to crop the image.
crop(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)


* Resize the image.
* @param width Width of resulting image or null.
* @param height Height of resulting image or null. If width is present, this takes priority.
* @param options Optional settings used to adjust the fit and placement of the image within its frame.
* @param How the image should be resized to fit both provided dimensions. (optional, default 'cover')
* @param options.position Position to use when fit is cover or contain. (optional, default 'center')
resize(width: number, options?: ResizeOptions)
resize(width: null, height: number, options?: ResizeOptions)
resize(width: number, height: number, options?: ResizeOptions)


* Flip the image across its axis.
* @param direction The direction to mirror the image by.
flip(direction: FlipDirection)


* Rotate the image by a number of degrees clockwise.
* @param degrees The number of degrees to rotate the image by.
rotate(degrees: number)


* Blur the image using gaussian blur with a specified radius.
* @param blurRadius The number of pixels to blur the image by.
blur(blurRadius: number)


* Export the image as a Uint8Array with an optionally specified mime type.
* @param contentType The content type of the resulting image. (optional, default source type)
toBuffer(contentType?: MimeType)

Other Types​

export type ImageFit =
/** Preserving aspect ratio, contain image within both provided dimensions using a border where necessary. */
| "contain"
/** Preserving aspect ratio, ensure the image covers both provided dimensions by cropping it to fit. */
| "cover"
/** Ignore the aspect ratio of the input and stretch to both provided dimensions. */
| "fill"
/** Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to both those specified. */
| "inside"
/** Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as small as possible while ensuring its dimensions are greater than or equal to both those specified. */
| "outside";

export type ImagePositionHorizontal = "left" | "center" | "right";
export type ImagePositionVertical = "top" | "center" | "bottom";
export type ImagePosition =
| ImagePositionHorizontal
| ImagePositionVertical
| `${ImagePositionHorizontal} ${ImagePositionVertical}`;

export type FlipDirection = "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both";

export interface ResizeOptions {
/** How the image should be resized to fit both provided dimensions. */
fit?: ImageFit;
/** Position to use when fit is cover or contain. */
position?: ImagePosition;